Monday, May 12, 2014

The Madman's Daughter Book/Movie Review

Rating...2.5/3 was a good story.  Good enough that I finished it in a few days and went on to read its sequel.  I think the story has a great premise and a lot of potential.  I was very involved in the story, but there were elements that had me annoyed.

Why does there have to be a love triangle?  I get that it can add a lot of sexual tension, but sometimes I think a story can do without a triangle of anything.  It reminded me of Bella/Edward/Jacob (think Twilight) and that was a triangle you either loved or hated.  Juliet isn't nearly as lame as Bella, but sometimes her decisions were pretty lame and dangerous.  No one in their right mind might try to pull off what she does.  There is an Edward, and honestly he's my favorite character, especially in the second book.  He's got a lot more dimension and potential character development than the others.  Then you have Montgomery.  He starts out pretty decent, hangs in there, but then seems to just be a dud.  A love triangle in the middle of Juliet's actual problem (her dad's a psycho nut job performing dangerous transformations on animals) is just a bit much.

I did think that the animals/creations on the island were very interesting and it would be quite impressive to see what Hollywood would create for the big screen.  The last part of the book is the most exciting and I think would be visually stunning.

I do like that Shepherd has taken other stories to create the foundation of her series.  Book 1 takes from The Island of Dr. Moreau, book 2 is loosely on Jekyll and Hyde, and apparently book 3 will be from Frankenstein.

I've read other reviews and it seems to be a love/hate relationship.  Either way, I would definitely suggest it and its sequels. It may not be the best writing or story telling, but it is entertaining and given the right screen adapter, could make a very good film.

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